Supervised Family Time

Maple Youth Services

Supervised Family Time Overview

Maple Youth Services provides highly trained, experienced, and friendly staff to support the positive and constructive interaction between young children/youth and their families. Maple staff work closely to understand every family situation and ensure all aspects are coordinated and managed based on the individual needs so that children and youth have the best possible experience. Safety is always at the forefront of decision making for Maple Youth Services.

Maples’ experienced staff also work with the child or young person to provide additional training and education around visitations whilst also assisting parents / family members with the necessary skills and techniques to make sure each encounter is enjoyably for all participating.

What is Supervised Family Time?

Supervised Family Time involves the provision of highly trained and qualified Maple Youth Workers to facilitate enjoyable, positive and meaningful supervised contact between a child/young person and their parents/family.

Maple’s team, will assist caseworkers through the evaluation process, to identify the frequency, duration and location of supervised family time as part of the child/young person’s case plan.

Service Components

Maple Youth Services understands that the factor most connected with positive outcomes for children/young people is meaningful, lifelong connections with their family. Family Time is an important part of maintaining these connections and is essential to achieving restoration.

Maple Youth Services facilitate successful Family Time visits by:

  • ensuring that contact arrangements are safe and meet the needs of the child/young person.
  • identifying and supporting the physical, emotional, and relational needs of the child/young person and family during the contact session.
  • managing any challenges that arise during the contact session in a responsive, empathic, and appropriate way.
  • supporting parents/family members to identify and respond to the child’s/young person’s needs, emotions, and behaviour.
  • modelling, coaching, and supporting parents and children to play, communicate and interact in mutually enjoyable ways.
  • monitoring child’s/young person’s safety, observing, recording and reporting on observations and the effectiveness of contact arrangements following contact session, in the manner directed by services worked.

How does Maple Youth Services deliver Supervised Family Time?

Matching of Youth Worker

Trained, experienced and tailored Youth Workers to suit the children/young person’s needs and interests, ensuring they are comfortable and confident in their environment.

Instilling Skills to Achieve Outcomes

Our team works to support family members in identifying and respond to the child’s/young person’s needs, emotions, and behaviour.

Consistency and Stability

Ensuring consistency of Youth Worker because providing stability is a critical to achieving successful supports and building rapport.

Contact our team to find out how we can help you

Why Choose Maple for Supervised Family Time?

Our focus is on our people

The children and young people we support are not just a number to us, they are a name, a person, and an integral part of our community. Our priority is getting to know them as a person, building a supportive team around their needs, and helping them achieve a brighter future.

We empower through Service

Our services are focus on the fostering of empowerment, positive experiences and stability. Through our skilled workforce, we are able to deliver services bespoke and tailored to the individual’s needs, interests, and background, meaning these 3 core fundamentals are achieved one all levels.

We Prioritse Safety

With our tagline being ‘Keep Them Safe’ – this one is a given. We prioritise the emotional and physical safety of those we support, and all those who are encompassed within our company’s community.

We are Committed

Whether it’s 10pm on a Wednesday or 11am on a Sunday; our team is always active, committed to ensuring our community has the supports they need in place when they need them. We are committed to providing the best Customer Service in the industry, and that’s why people choose us!

Skills and Qualifications of our Youth Workers

Our Youth Workers have studied and trained diligently to understand and respond to the needs of children and young people. Your team can feel confident and at ease with our Youth Workers’ exceptional skills, qualifications, and involvement within the industry. We pride ourselves on our countless years of experience providing services to children and young people in need – from management to support workers.

The Maple Commitment

Here at Maple Youth Services, we are committed to keeping our community safe. Providing Support is the backbone of our purpose, we listen and act in real time, and we empower our community through our vision of equal opportunities. It is our focus on looking forward and building sustainable futures for each-and-every one of our individuals, that sets us apart from the rest.

Enquire Today

Whether its a query about the services we provide, or just a general enquiry, we would love to hear from you!